“A Victory For AGSI Members | We Welcome Taoiseach’s Comments Regarding Legislation for Garda Access to WRC & Labour Court
The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors has welcomed comments made by Taoiseach Enda Kenny in the Dáil this afternoon confirming that he has asked the Attorney General “to move as quickly as possible” to put the legal frameworks in place to allow Gardaí have access to the Workplace Relations Commission and the Labour Court.
AGSI President Antoinette Cunningham says, “This is a victory for AGSI members as access to industrial relations machinery has been one of the key pillars of our pay campaign for the past four years. It was also one of the key decisions of the European Committee of Social Rights in 2014. We believe this is a significant step forward but we would caution that timeframes and exact dates are vital at this stage to give confidence to our 2,080 members.”