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MEDIA STATEMENT | AGSI Reject Proposals From Official Side

MEDIA STATEMENT    Association of Garda Sergeants & Inspectors Reject Proposals from Official Side Industrial action to withdraw service by AGSI members still scheduled for Friday   The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors have this evening rejected proposals from the Official Side aimed at averting a third day of industrial action by middle-ranking Gardaí. The AGSI National […]

AGSI Questionnaire reveals Garda Members’ Concerns Over Current Operating Model

AGSI Announces Days of Industrial Action

AGSI’s Days of Action   Sergeants and Inspectors launch campaign of industrial action after members decide to take an escalation approach The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors have announced a sustained campaign of industrial action in what it has described as “an escalation approach”. 151 members from the Association’s 31 Branches attended a Special […]

AGSI Meet with Minister for Justice on Pay Claim

Speaking following a meeting with the Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald this evening, the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors have released the following statement. President Antoinette Cunningham stated this evening: “We held a meeting with Minister Fitzgerald this evening at which there was a frank exchange of views. “We are happy that we could […]

AGSI Questionnaire reveals Garda Members’ Concerns Over Current Operating Model

AGSI To Host Special Delegate Conference To Discuss Possible Industrial Action

“On October 17th AGSI meets membership in Athlone to discuss proposed industrial action”   The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) have held a Special Executive meeting today to discuss the outcome of recent Government meetings at which significant Garda pay matters emerged. President Antoinette Cunningham says the AGSI are now considering a campaign of […]

AGSI Questionnaire reveals Garda Members’ Concerns Over Current Operating Model

President on RTÉ’s Prime Time: “Pay issue must be addressed”

The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors has said it will not be co-operating with a new five-year programme to reform An Garda Síochána unless the issue of pay is addressed. The Modernisaton and Renewal Programme, published yesterday, outlines plans for greater visibility of gardaí, advanced IT systems, increased resourcing and training and the placing […]

AGSI Questionnaire reveals Garda Members’ Concerns Over Current Operating Model

General Secretary on Newstalk: “AGSI will not cooperate with Garda modernisation programme unless pay issues are addressed”

Middle ranking gardaí say they will not cooperate with a planned modernisation programme unless their pay demand is addressed. General Secretary John Jacob speaks to Newstalk Breakfast. Listen to the interview here A five-year modernisation plan was announced yesterday, including a €200 million investment in ICT. The force will strengthen its capability in areas such as economic crime, […]

AGSI Welcomes New Minister for Justice and Highlights Key Priorities

MEDIA STATEMENT: AGSI Members Won’t Implement New Garda Plan

Modernisation & Reform Programme 2016-2021 rejected by Sergeants and Inspectors pending restoration of pay and related matters   The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors has written to the Garda Commissioner Noirin O’Sullivan to inform her of their objection to the implementation of the Modernisation and Reform Programme 2016-2021 launched today. General Secretary John Jacob, commenting after a […]

AGSI Questionnaire reveals Garda Members’ Concerns Over Current Operating Model

Sunday Independent: Recruits on €13k less than London Met

Gardai have never been more militant and though they are barred from industrial action there is a mood in the force to strike and “suffer the consequences”, the head of the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) has warned. The AGSI will discuss pay at its annual conference on Tuesday but General Secretary John […]

AGSI Questionnaire reveals Garda Members’ Concerns Over Current Operating Model