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AGSI Statement on Garda Commissioner No Confidence Vote

The matter of confidence in the Garda Commissioner is not something that AGSI has ever discussed as it simply has not been an issue for our Association. We continue to work collaboratively with the Commissioner and Garda Management on the Garda Reform Agenda and while we have issues around the Operating Police Model, recruitment, and […]

AGSI Questionnaire reveals Garda Members’ Concerns Over Current Operating Model

Garda Commissioner and Minister for Justice To Address Sergeants and Inspectors for First Time Since Roster Dispute Escalated

45th Annual Delegate Conference of Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors takes place in Salthill this week under dark cloud of low morale The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) gather in Salthill, Galway today (Monday 3 April) for their 45th Annual Delegate Conference. Top of the agenda, for the 140 delegates who represent […]

Tribute to AGSI President Paul Curran On His Retirement