305 new Garda vehicles to be delivered before year end 2013
The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter TD, today announced that 305 new Garda vehicles will be delivered before the end of 2013.
On Budget Day (15 October 2013), Minister Shatter announced that he secured a further €9m for the purchase of new vehicles for the Garda fleet over the next nine months. €5m of this will be made available before the end of this year, with the remaining €4m to be made available during 2014.
Speaking today Minister Shatter said, “The recently announced provision of a further €9m will provide for the purchase of a significant number of new Garda vehicles over the next nine months. At this stage, I am pleased to say that the Garda authorities have arranged for the delivery of 305 new vehicles by the end of the year. This arises from the new investment of €5m to be made available between October and the end of this year.”
“A great deal of work has taken place to ensure that these vehicles could be made available quickly and that the tender process was completed without delay. Arising from that process the new vehicles being procured will be provided by Hyundai and Ford. The 305 vehicles to be made available by the end of the year are in addition to 133 new Garda vehicles already made available in 2013.
“This most recent investment brings to €18m the total amount spent on the Garda fleet for the three years 2012 to 2014 and represents a very considerable financial investment in Garda transport, particularly at a time when the level of funding available across the public sector is severely limited.
“It is a clear indication of my commitment to ensure that, to the greatest extent possible, An Garda Síochána are provided with sufficient resources to enable them to deliver an effective and efficient policing service.”
31 October 2013