Last month the long awaited refurbishment of Kilkenny Garda Station was officially opened (Monday 18th November) by Minister Phil Hogan T.D and Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan.
Also in attendance were Assistant Commissioner Jack Nolan, Chief Superintendent Michael Mc Garry (now retired) and Superintendent Pauraic Dunne.
The original station was built in 1942 and was not fit for purpose despite an extension being added to the station in 1995. With 110 personnel working in the station conditions had become intolerable.
The Kilkenny/Carlow branch of The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors had highlighted the cramped conditions on a number of occasions – long before the station became a Divisional Headquarters and later a Regional Headquarters for the South/East of the country.
Two state of the art prefabs have been added to the station accommodation as well as a complete refurbishment of the main building. The new accommodation was welcomed by the AGSI Branch Secretary Pat Baldwin who said “the new conditions had lifted the moral of the station party.”
To mark the special occasion, an Open Day was held where members of the public were invited to view the new facilities. Children form the Kilkenny Model School were some of the visitors to the station and were treated to a display of equipment by the by the Regional Support Unit, the Under Water Unit, Dog Unit and Mounted Unit.
Photos courtesy of the Carlow/Kilkenny Branch of AGSI