The Garda Historical Society will host a Police Memorabilia Event on Saturday 16th November from 10am-6pm.

You are invited to attend and even take your own memorabilia.
Organisers are inviting you to “take the photos off the wall, look in the old shoe boxes, get them from your family and bring along the old police class photos, documents and artefacts.” They will copy them for you so you can take them back home.
This free event includes three lectures:
12:00pm – Mr. Padraig Yeates – “The Lock Out”
2:00pm – Mr. Myles Dungan – “The Theft of the Irish Crown Jewels”
4:00pm – Prof. Eunan O’Halpin – “Spying on Ireland – Intelligence During World War II”
More information is available at
Facebook: Garda Historial Society
Twitter: @policehistory
Contact: Paul Maher, Blanchardstown or Ger Doyle, GBFI at