Briefing by Assistant Commissioner raises more questions for Sergeants and Inspectors Pause on Operating Policing Model rollout to Border counties No figures completed on cost of implementing Operating Policing Model Fear of reduced income for Sergeants and Inspectors as a result of Operating Policing Model Sergeants and Inspectors have learned that the new Operating Policing […]
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Budget 2020 | AGSI Statement
“The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors have issued a cautious welcome to Budget 2020 saying the recruitment figure is reduced and questions if we are prepared to police the border in the event of a no-deal Brexit? “Deputy General Secretary Antoinette Cunningham states that the announcement that 700 Gardai will he recruited next year […]
AGSI Statement on Operating Policing Model
LISTEN TO ANTOINETTE CUNNINGAM ON RTÉ RADIO 1 The AGSI and its membership have yet to receive a full briefing on the roll-out, implementation and impact of the new Operating Policing Model. To date, what we know is what is in the public domain and yesterday we learned from media reports the headquarters of new […]
AGSI Statement on Operational Policing Model
From districts to divisions, the new Operational Policing Model announced today (22 August 2019) by Garda Commissioner, Drew Harris raises many questions for Sergeants and Inspectors.
AGSI Statement on Impact to Policing Budget Following President Trump Visit
“If media reports are to be believed and the cost of policing the recent President Trump visit to Ireland will directly impact vital Garda services, AGSI has serious concerns. “We would ask the Garda Commissioner to reassure our members that ICT and training, and frontline overtime will not be impacted due to the estimated €11million […]
Media Statement: Deep concern over lack of training for Sergeants and Inspectors in respect of new domestic violence laws
“Deep concern over lack of training for Sergeants and Inspectors in respect of new domestic violence laws” AGSI National Executive issue statement at first meeting of the year The National Executive of the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors have expressed deep concern around the enforcement of new laws contained in the Domestic […]
High Court Makes Award to AGSI Member Who Suffered Internet Abuse
High Court makes award for personal injuries suffered by Garda Sgt Conor Gilmartin after years of harassment and false accusations Article by Ray Managh in the Irish Times A garda sergeant, who was for several years harassed and intimidated by false claims posted about him on the internet, was awarded €8,000 damages at a garda compensation […]
AGSI Statement on the Publication of the Justice Clarke Report
AGSI seeks meeting with Chairperson of the Ombudsman Commission to discuss the communication elements of Justice Clarke’s report READ THE FULL REPORT OF JUSTICE MICHAEL CLARKE The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) is seeking a meeting with the Ombudsman Commission following the release of Justice Michael Clarke’s report. General Secretary, John Jacob […]
Annual Delegate Conference 2018: Day 2 Media Coverage
Annual Delegate Conference | Tuesday, 27 March 2018 Read the AGSI Annual Delegate Conference 2018 media coverage for Day 2 at the links below: ‘The fact you can’t see is terrifying’ – Garda recounts being pelted by rocks while responding to callout ‘The pain was excruciating’ – Garda sergeant feared for his life during brutal […]