“No inclusion of Garda Staff Associations” The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) has expressed deep concern following media reports about apparent exploratory talks to a successor to the Public Service Stability Agreement 2018-2020. AGSI says, “it appears that pay talks are happening but without the involvement of all stakeholders.” General […]
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“COVID-19 Fine System Requires Clarification”
Sergeants and Inspectors express serious concerns about the practical application of proposed new legislation. The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) have described as “concerning” and “unclear” new proposed laws which will give Gardai the legal right to issue on the spot fines for a breach of public health regulations. General Secretary, Antoinette Cunningham […]
AGSI Statement on verdict in Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe murder trial
General Secretary Antoinette Cunningham stated, “our colleague Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe was murdered and paid the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty on 25 January 2013. “Today our first thoughts are with his wife Caroline, his two children, and the wider Donohoe family. “While some justice has been served with today’s conviction of murder, […]
AGSI Welcome Increase in Maximum Permissible Number of Garda Inspectors
The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee that the maximum permissible Garda members at Inspector rank has been increased from 380 to 500. General Secretary Antoinette Cunningham described the move as “timely and much-needed.” “The Operating Policing Model marks a significant sea-change in […]
AGSI Statement on Abuse of Member Live-streamed on Social Media
The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors has strongly condemned the abuse and vitriol faced by an Association member at a COVID-19 Garda checkpoint today in Dublin. General Secretary, Antoinette Cunningham says the policing of the country in the fight to protect public health is the sole purpose of the current emergency policing plan. “In […]
AGSI Respond to Minister D’Arcy’s Comments on Border Policing
AGSI released the following media statement following comments made by Minister of State, Michael Darcy on RTE’s The Week in Politics Show. Listen to President Cormac Moylan on RTE’s Morning Ireland. The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) has described as “unhelpful” claims that Gardaí did not do their job in relation to events […]
Rollout of Operating Policing Model On Hold in Border Counties | Update from Autumn Seminar
Briefing by Assistant Commissioner raises more questions for Sergeants and Inspectors Pause on Operating Policing Model rollout to Border counties No figures completed on cost of implementing Operating Policing Model Fear of reduced income for Sergeants and Inspectors as a result of Operating Policing Model Sergeants and Inspectors have learned that the new Operating Policing […]
Budget 2020 | AGSI Statement
“The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors have issued a cautious welcome to Budget 2020 saying the recruitment figure is reduced and questions if we are prepared to police the border in the event of a no-deal Brexit? “Deputy General Secretary Antoinette Cunningham states that the announcement that 700 Gardai will he recruited next year […]
AGSI Statement on Operating Policing Model
LISTEN TO ANTOINETTE CUNNINGAM ON RTÉ RADIO 1 The AGSI and its membership have yet to receive a full briefing on the roll-out, implementation and impact of the new Operating Policing Model. To date, what we know is what is in the public domain and yesterday we learned from media reports the headquarters of new […]
AGSI Statement on Operational Policing Model
From districts to divisions, the new Operational Policing Model announced today (22 August 2019) by Garda Commissioner, Drew Harris raises many questions for Sergeants and Inspectors.