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Garda Ladies Football Team Crowned World Champions

The Garda Ladies Football Team (aka Brucies Banners) took Gold in the the final of the World Police and Fire Games which took place in Belfast recently. They beat the Irish Prison Service in the final and can now delcare themselves world champions. The team is made up of members from all over the country […]

Chief Supt John Grogan Retirement Presentation

On Wednesday 10th July President of AGSI Tim Galvin (pictured right) presented Chief Superintendent John Grogan, Human Resource Management, Garda Headquarters with a clock to mark his retirement at the end of July. Tim paid tribute to John for the outstanding contribution he made in steering the Westmanstown Roster Committee towards an agreement. John is […]

140 Sergeants and Inspectors Gather in Athlone for Autumn Seminar

AGSI Members on Duty at G8 Summit

Members of AGSI were on duty in Cavan at the Control Room at the recent G8 Summit which took place in Fermanagh. The photos below are courtesy of Alan Dowley. Sergeant Padraic Tobin is the Sergeant-In-Charge of Ballyconnell Garda Station. During the G8 summit he was in charge of the Control Room which was set […]