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140 Sergeants and Inspectors Gather in Athlone for Autumn Seminar

Brexit and Operating Policing Model Top the Agenda for Sergeants and Inspectors AGSI witnesses higher numbers attending mid-year seminar    140 Sergeants and Inspectors are gathering in Athlone this morning (Monday 14 October 2019) for our Association’s mid-year seminar. Increased attendance has been described by Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) President Cormac Moylan […]

2017 AGSI Conference | 10-12 April, Killarney

The 39th Annual Delegate Conference of AGSI takes place on the 10,11 and 12 of April in the Brehon Hotel in Killarney. The theme of the conference this year is “Modernising the Industrial Relations Landscape” and will centre on how AGSI members can determine their own pay and conditions into the future given the uniqueness of the […]

Details on Application for Garda Síochána Retired Members’ Association