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Irish Times Report – Widespread breaches in penalty points system uncovered

Consistent and widespread breaches of policy in the administration of the penalty points system have been uncovered by the Garda Síochána Inspectorate. In a report into the operation of the Fixed Charge Processing System (FCPS) published this evening the Inspectorate also found that it was bedevilled by waste of money and resources. A series of […]

Tribute to AGSI President Paul Curran On His Retirement

Irish Times Report – Inspectorate findings are embarrassing for the Gardai but not devastating

In 60% of the cases that went to court, the motorists sidestepped the penalty points handed down to them by simply leaving their driving licence at home that day.   Some €7.5 million in fines revenue was foregone when court summonses that should have called motorists to court to pay the financial penalty and incur […]

Tribute to AGSI President Paul Curran On His Retirement

Minister Shatter announces appointment of Garda Confidential Recipient

The Cabinet has agreed to the proposal of the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence that he appoint Retired District Court Judge Mr Patrick McMahon to the position of Confidential Recipient under Regulation 6 of the Garda Síochána (Confidential Reporting of Malpractice) Regulations 2007.   Regulation 6 of the Regulations provides for the Minister, after […]

Tribute to AGSI President Paul Curran On His Retirement

Minister Shatter publishes report of the Garda Síochána Inspectorate and announces Action Plan to implement Report’s Recommendations

Copy of report available at http://www.gsinsp.ie Key Points: · Minister Shatter, on 14 May 2013, referred to the Garda Inspectorate the O’Mahoney Report and the Garda Siochana Professional Standards Report and asked the Garda Inspectorate to carry out a full review of the Fixed Charge Processing System, taking into account both reports and the recommendations […]

Tribute to AGSI President Paul Curran On His Retirement

Garda challenges reopening of GSOC investigation against him – Irish Times

Irish Times Report Tuesday 4th March 2014   A Garda has brought a High Court challenge to a decision by the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission to reopen its investigation of a complaint made against him in connection with a Garda investigation concerning jailed murderer Jerry McGrath. Pádraig McEvoy, stationed at Ballyconnell, Co Cavan, is seeking […]

Tribute to AGSI President Paul Curran On His Retirement