AGSI Statement on Public Sector Pay Proposals
AGSI Statement on Public Sector Pay Proposals
The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) concluded negotiations on behalf of its membership in the early hours of this morning at the Workplace Relations Commission.
The AGSI National Executive met a short time later to consider these proposals.
General Secretary Antoinette Cunningham says, “We feel that these proposals are the best that could have been achieved during these challenging negotiations. AGSI members will have the ultimate decision to make when a ballot is conducted in the coming weeks.
“We have seen inflation continue to rise in recent weeks, and we are fully aware of the financial pressures that our members are under and the challenging economic environment we are in. These proposals will go some way to meeting those challenges.”
Antoinette Cunningham continued, “We would like to sincerely thank the Director General and the Directors of Conciliation Services at the WRC for their assistance in reaching these proposals which were negotiated in a difficult and challenging environment.”