The AGSI and its membership have yet to receive a full briefing on the roll-out, implementation and impact of the new Operating Policing Model.
To date, what we know is what is in the public domain and yesterday we learned from media reports the headquarters of new Divisions.
This isn’t satisfactory for any organisation not least An Garda Sìochàna.
We have invited AC Finn to our mid-year seminar next month in Athlone and we hope to be provided with more detail and have our questions answered.
There are already indications that Inspectors are facing increased workloads with their role changing from supervisory to management. This is a big concern for us. Also with the removal of Superintendents in many areas, what that impact might that have on frontline policing?
While the Model in theory is good, it’s the implementation that will determine its success.
We feel there should be much more consultation with the staff bodies on this and throughout the implementation phase. We will be strenuously calling for this after what has been a lack luster approach to engagement.
We are also asking our members in Galway, Mayo, Cork City and DMR South Central for feedback as they were part of the original Divisional Policing Model which effectively has had a name change.
We pose the question of why ‘Divisional’ was changed to ‘Local’ giving off an impression that all parts of the country will be positively impacted by this re-named model, but we ask the question, will it?