Having waited unsuccessfully for over twelve months for a meeting the Former Minister for Justice Alan Shatter TD with only a few short weeks into her appointment as Minister for Justice and Equality Minister Frances Fitzgerald today met with AGSI.
General Secretary John Redmond and members of the National Executive had a meeting with the Minister which lasted over one and half hours which would be one of the longest meetings we ever had with a Minister for Justice.
The AGSI delegation comprising of President Tim Galvin, General Secretary John Redmond, Vice-President Larry Brady, Mary Finnegan, Cormac Moylan and Christy Morrison raised a number of major issues with the Minister under the following headings.
The four main heading that were discussed were:
1. Resources
2. Legislation
3. Guerin Report
4. EU Decision 83/2012
5. Review of An Garda Siochana
The Minister was anxious to get a clear understanding of the issues and while time was limited and there was much to discuss she agreed to meet with AGSI again before the budget in October.
Photos by Alan Dowley