Speaking following a meeting with the Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald this evening, the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors have released the following statement.
President Antoinette Cunningham stated this evening:
“We held a meeting with Minister Fitzgerald this evening at which there was a frank exchange of views.
“We are happy that we could articulate the concerns of our members. We also believe the Minister has a better understanding of our concerns following a meeting with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform last week.
“AGSI also officially lodged a pay claim of 16.5% with the Minister. Minister Fitzgerald told us that our pay claim was ‘an all-Government’ decision but that she would come back to us in due course. We wait with interest for her response on how matters can be progressed.
“At this juncture we will continue as planned and hold a Special Delegate Conference on Monday 17th October in Athlone at which matters relating to our pay strategy, pay restoration and industrial relations proposals will be discussed in detail.”