2017 AGSI Conference: Media Coverage Day 2
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Media Title: RTE
Article Tile: AGSI claims crisis of confidence in An Garda Síochána
Media Title: Breaking News
Article Tile: Garda body slam no show by Frances Fitzgerald at time of ‘crisis’ in the force
Media Title: Breaking News
Article Tile: Gardaí being harassed on social media
Media Title: Carlow Nationalist
Article Tile: Garda body slam no show by Frances Fitzgerald at time of ‘crisis’ in the force
Media Title: Carlow Nationalist
Article Tile: Gardaí being harassed on social media
Media Title: Irish Independent
Article Tile: Tánaiste’s no-show is proof we’ve been ‘abandoned’ – AGSI
Media Title: Irish Times
Article Tile: Lighting up time at the Agsi conference?
Media Title: Irish Times
Article Tile: Mid-ranking gardaí are angry and say public is on their side
Media Title: Laois Nationalist
Article Tile: Garda body slam no show by Frances Fitzgerald at time of ‘crisis’ in the force
Media Title: Roscommon Herald
Article Tile: Garda body slam no show by Frances Fitzgerald at time of ‘crisis’ in the force
Media Title: Roscommon Herald
Article Tile: Gardaí being harassed on social media
Media Title: The Irish Examiner
Article Tile: Fianna Fáil accused of trying to ‘gazump’ Sinn Féin Dáil motion
Media Title: The Irish Examiner
Article Tile: Garda body slam no show by Frances Fitzgerald at time of ‘crisis’ in the force
Media Title: The Irish Examiner
Article Tile: Garda body slam no show by Frances Fitzgerald at time of ‘crisis’ in the force
Media Title: The Irish Examiner
Article Tile: Garda body slam no show by Frances Fitzgerald at time of ‘crisis’ in the force
Media Title: The Irish Examiner
Article Tile: Garda review will not be ready before Easter
Media Title: The Irish Examiner
Article Tile: Gardaí being harassed on social media
Media Title: The Journal
Article Tile: ‘People are blaming us’: Gardaí say scandals are making it harder for them to do their jobs
Media Title: The Journal
Article Tile: Just under half of people have confidence in the gardaí
Media Title: The Journal
Article Tile: This week’s dream car is a powerful and engaging pocket rocket.
Media Title: The Waterford News
Article Tile: Garda body slam no show by Frances Fitzgerald at time of ‘crisis’ in the force
Media Title: The Waterford News
Article Tile: Gardaí being harassed on social media
Media Title: The Western People
Article Tile: Garda body slam no show by Frances Fitzgerald at time of ‘crisis’ in the force
Media Title: The Western People
Article Tile: Gardaí being harassed on social media
Media Title: Wexford Echo
Article Tile: Garda body slam no show by Frances Fitzgerald at time of ‘crisis’ in the force
Media Title: Wexford Echo
Article Tile: Gardaí being harassed on social media
Media Title: WLR FM
Article Tile: Garda body slam no show by Frances Fitzgerald at time of ‘crisis’ in the force
Media Title: WLR FM
Article Tile: Gardaà being harassed on social media
Media Title: Breaking News
Article Tile: Journalists concerned at Garda proposal to criminalise the photographing of officers while on duty
Media Title: Carlow Nationalist
Article Tile: Journalists concerned at Garda proposal to criminalise the photographing of officers while on duty
Media Title: Irish Independent
Article Tile: ‘We feel abandoned by Government’ – Gardaí furious after Tanáiste fails to show for conference
Media Title: Irish Independent
Article Tile: Gardaí ‘harassed and bullied’ after photos posted online, sergeant claims
Media Title: Irish Mirror
Article Tile: Over half of Irish public think Gardai should be allowed to strike
Media Title: Irish Times
Article Tile: Garda sergeants and inspectors feel ‘abandoned’ by Government
Media Title: KFM Radio
Article Tile: Listen: AGSI Conference To Debate Motion On Banning Of Filming Of Members.
Media Title: Kildare Nationalist
Article Tile: Journalists concerned at Garda proposal to criminalise the photographing of officers while on duty
Media Title: Kilkenny Journal
Media Title: Laois Nationalist
Article Tile: Journalists concerned at Garda proposal to criminalise the photographing of officers while on duty
Media Title: Newstalk
Article Tile: Journalists’ union concerned at calls to make filming on-duty Gardaí an offence
Media Title: Radio Kerry
Article Tile: AGSI Garda Conference Gets Underway in Killarney â April 10th, 2017
Media Title: Radio Kerry
Article Tile: AGSI will discuss recent scandals that have rocked Garda force
Media Title: Red FM Cork
Article Tile: NUJ expresses concern over new motion on photographing Gardai
Media Title: Roscommon Herald
Article Tile: Journalists concerned at Garda proposal to criminalise the photographing of officers while on duty
Media Title: Sunday World
Article Tile: Sergeant claims gardai subjected to ‘bullying and harassment’ after photos posted online
Media Title: The Irish Examiner
Article Tile: Journalists concerned at Garda proposal to criminalise the photographing of officers while on duty
Media Title: The Irish Sun
Article Tile: Gardai deny they want on duty photographing or filming banned – but reveal family members have been
Media Title: The Journal
Article Tile: ‘No wonder we feel abandoned’: Gardaí hit out at Minister for being ‘too busy’ for them
Media Title: The Journal
Article Tile: Children of gardaí subjected to ‘horrendous harassment’ on social media sites
Media Title: The Waterford News
Article Tile: Journalists concerned at Garda proposal to criminalise the photographing of officers while on duty
Media Title: The Western People
Article Tile: Journalists concerned at Garda proposal to criminalise the photographing of officers while on duty
Media Title: Wexford Echo
Article Tile: Journalists concerned at Garda proposal to criminalise the photographing of officers while on duty
Media Title: WLR FM
Article Tile: Journalists concerned at Garda proposal to criminalise the photographing of officers while on duty
Media Title: Breaking News
Article Tile: Garda Commssioner to face mid ranking Gardaí for first time since scandal
Media Title: businesspost.ie
Article Tile: What Tuesday’s papers say
Media Title: C103 Radio
Media Title: Carlow Nationalist
Article Tile: Garda Commssioner to face mid ranking Gardaí for first time since scandal
Media Title: Clare FM
Article Tile: AGSI Criticises Justice Minister For Failing To Attend Conference
Media Title: Clare FM
Article Tile: Low Morale Highlighted At Garda Conference
Media Title: Irish Independent
Article Tile: ‘It dents your confidence’ – Garda managers say scandals are making it harder to do job
Media Title: Irish Independent
Article Tile: ‘It dents your confidence’ – Gardaí say scandals are making it harder to do job
Media Title: Irish Independent
Article Tile: ‘Keep them in the dark,’ Gardai told to give media the ‘mushroom treatment’
Media Title: Irish Times
Article Tile: AGSI members ‘bitterly disappointed’ at Tánaiste’s absence
Media Title: Irish Times
Article Tile: AGSI ‘bitterly disappointed’ at Tánaiste’s absence
Media Title: Irish Times
Article Tile: Gardaí need to stop giving ‘mushroom treatment’ to media
Media Title: KFM Radio
Article Tile: Listen: AGSI Fears Its Members Will Be Blamed For The Numerous Scandals Involving An Garda Siochana.
Media Title: KFM Radio
Article Tile: Listen: AGSI President Criticises Justice Minister Over Her Non-Attendance At Annual Conference.
Media Title: KFM Radio
Article Tile: Listen: AGSI Questions The Need For Root & Branch Review Of An Garda Siochana.
Media Title: Kildare Nationalist
Article Tile: Garda Commssioner to face mid ranking Gardaí for first time since scandal
Media Title: Laois Nationalist
Article Tile: Garda Commssioner to face mid ranking Gardaí for first time since scandal
Media Title: Newstalk
Article Tile: AGSI questions if root and branch review is necessary
Media Title: Radio Kerry
Article Tile: AGSI Conference hears resources is main concern for Kerry Gardaí
Media Title: Radio Kerry
Article Tile: Gardai at Killarney conference say recent scandals have left morale on the floor
Media Title: Roscommon Herald
Article Tile: Garda Commssioner to face mid ranking Gardaí for first time since scandal
Media Title: The Irish Examiner
Article Tile: Garda Commssioner to face mid-ranking Gardaí for first time since scandal
Media Title: The Irish Sun
Article Tile: Garda reveals cops’ strategy for dealing with media was to keep journalists in the dark and feed the
Media Title: The Waterford News
Article Tile: Garda Commssioner to face mid ranking Gardaí for first time since scandal
Media Title: The Western People
Article Tile: Garda Commssioner to face mid ranking Gardaí for first time since scandal
Media Title: Wexford Echo
Article Tile: Garda Commssioner to face mid ranking Gardaí for first time since scandal
Media Title: WLR FM
Article Tile: Garda Commssioner to face mid ranking Gardaà for first time since scandal