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ICPSA Annual Delegate Meeting


On Friday the 28th November the Irish Conference of Professional and Service Association (ICPSA) held its Annual Delegate Meeting in the Johnstown House Hotel, Enfield, Co. Meath.

ICPSA has ten affiliates and represent in excess of 40,000 members. The organisations are:

  • Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors
  • Association of Garda Superintendents
  • Citibank Staff Association
  • Dublin Institute of Technology Academic Staff Association
  • Garda Representative Association
  • Irish Bank Official’s Association (IBOA)
  • Irish Distiller’s Association
  • Permanent Defence Forces Other Ranks Representative Association (PDFORA)
  • Representative Association of Commissioner Officers (RACO)
  • Representative Church Body Staff Association

Michael Fennell of PDFORA is the current and outgoing President following his recent retirement from the Defence Forces. We wish his well in his retirement.

John Healy, Deputy General Secretary of the Garda Representative Association who is the current General Sectary of ICPSA has been elected as the new President. His former role as General Secretary has been filled by Gerard Guinan of PDFORA.

AGSI were represented by President Tim Galvin, John Jacob Deputy General Secretary and National Executive members, Michael Gallaher, Michael Hiney, Christy Morrison and Cormac Moylan.

John Redmond General Secretary was the guest speaker and he addressed the delegates on the European Social Charter – European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP) v. Ireland. Complaint No. 83/2012 which resulted in Garda having the right to represent themselves at National Pay Talks and the right to strike.

John Jacob debated the motion submitted on behalf of AGSI – “AGSI request conference to support a motion on the review of Dáil Privilege which allows TD’s to name individuals in Dáil debates with immunity from any form of redress”.
(Article 40.13 of the Constitution) The members of each House of the Oireachtas shall, except in case of treason as defined in this Constitution, felony or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest in going to and returning from, and while within the precincts of, either House, and shall not, in respect of any utterance in either House, be amenable to any court or any authority other than the House itself). AGSI believe that this privilege is being misused by some TD’s and while the Committee on Procedures and Privileges can impose sanctions it falls short of the right of every Irish citizen to defend his/her good name. AGSI call on the Irish Constructional Convention to consider the removal of this privilege as under the Constitution all citizens are equal before the law. The motion was carried.

Other motions on the clár included:

PDFORA – This ADM support the efforts being made by PDFORA to attain full Trade Union status under Article 5 of the European Social
Charter. Motion carried.

This ADM supports the Garda Associations in their endeavours to secure longer periods of full pay while on sick leave in
recognition of the onerous and dangerous work undertaken by members of the force

GRA – That this Conference condemns any interference by external Trade Unions in the affairs of others. Motion carried.

In total 6 motions were debated and all were carried. Kate Varley on behalf of the IBOA also contributed to the debate.

Photos by Alan Dowley

Col Adrian Ryan, Treasurer; Michael Fennell, President and John Healy, Secretary
Col Adrian Ryan, Treasurer; Michael Fennell, President and John Healy, Secretary
John Redmond, Michael Fennell and John Jacob
John Redmond, Michael Fennell and John Jacob


 Kate Varley, IBOA

Kate Varley, IBOA




AGSI General Secretary, John Redmond addressing delegates
AGSI General Secretary, John Redmond addressing delegates


John Healy GRA, newly elected President of the ICPSA
John Healy GRA, newly elected President of the ICPSA


John Jacob addressing delegates
John Jacob addressing delegates