Impasse at Westmanstown as roster proposals ‘not in best interest of Sergeants and Inspectors’
The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors have today withdrawn from roster negotiations which have been ongoing for some time.
AGSI notified the Garda Commissioner Drew Harris and also the talks facilitator of their decision today.
General Secretary, Antoinette Cunningham described the current proposals as ‘not in the best interests of AGSI members’.
“This is a very difficult decision taken by our National Executive, however these protracted negotiations have reached a point where we can neither support nor advocate to our 2500 Sergeant and Inspector members. Therefore, we see no point in remaining when our representations are not open for consideration.
“We are prevented from detailing specific concerns, but we are open to re-engagement and returning to negotiations if broader views are meaningfully discussed.
“Right now we would not bring current proposals to our members and as such cannot remain and be party to a process which we would not recommend to our membership.”