Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors Welcome Continued Leadership from Garda Commissioner
“We need continuity and implementation of ongoing transformation projects”
The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors has welcomed the extension of Garda Commissioner Drew Harris’ contract until 2025, describing the decision by Cabinet as “prudent and proactive.”
Speaking this afternoon, General Secretary, Antoinette Cunningham said:
“We are emerging from two years of significant disruption due to the pandemic, but similarly major disruption to the Garda organisation’s transformation plans. There is much work to do and so continuity of service, we believe, is vital right now.”
President Paul Curran refers specifically to two major areas of reform underway in the force.
“As the representative body that advocates for 2,500 Sergeants and Inspectors, we look forward to our continuing working relationship with Commissioner Harris until 2025. There are many ongoing issues to work through.
“Our members require consistent leadership as we continue to reform from within. Today we address the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice on the Policing, Security, and Community Safety Bill and we are engaging on the ground in relation to the Operating Policing Model.
“Today’s decision, therefore, is both prudent and proactive on the part of Government and we welcome the decision.”